
By The Pine Needle Man™


A musical space for relaxation and wonder.

11 songs… 1.5 hours of contemplation. Play 19:30 sec. sample here…
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“Contemplation” now on iTunes!

Contemplation, is a collection of 11 live performance grand piano songs by The Pine Needle Man™. It is an invitation to awaken to the stillness. 

Listen to 1.5 hours of inspirational music or impart the gift of 11 original music performances designed especially for soul and spirit.

Absorb the reflective inspirations at the edge of your own inner being. Set yourself apart for moments of peaceful wisdom that will color your soul with the deeper values present inside your spirit.

Allow the life giving qualities found within your personal journey of discovery to awaken you to a grand, new contemplation of your horizons.

1.5 hours of grand piano

Now you can listen to 1.5 hours of inspired grand piano music from each of the album's 11 songs any time day or night… all infused by the colors and serenity of your personal and private spiritual awakening.

Allow the positive energy behind each live performance invite you into moments of deeper thought and perception. 

Bible study? Tai Chi? Meditative exercise? Contemplative Yoga? Find a pathway to your inner peace. Add Contemplation to your schedule today.

And look for other meditative music, coming soon to enhance and expand your meditative musical experience from The Pine Needle Man™.


  • Music for inspired moments

  • Gateway to a new awareness

  • Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditative Exercise

  • Bible reading, Reflective Moments

  • Book reading, study background

  • Soothing, restful sleep

Make the songs your own, now on Apple Music. 

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