
from the original music library
of The Pine Needle Man™


A Collection of archival recordings and outtakes.

Archival History

The Pine Needle Man™ archival history offers a unique opportunity to own a collectible item of your choosing.

From one-of-a-kind music/song recordings showcasing artist development at the earliest stages of creativity, to limited edition original art, past, present, and emerging; Now you can own a piece of history with these unique, original offerings.

The Pine Needle Man™ archives offer samples from original art, music, and literature libraries, each serving as part of the decades long history behind our current and upcoming projects.

Let us show you how each item is part of a much larger picture, and how the particular item relates to the ongoing development of our music projects, multiple art series, fiction and nonfiction literary works, and our multiple series of character building children's books.

What do they all have in common? Spiritual values and character building content, all ordered and vitalized by the presence of Inspiration, and all designed specifically for a 21st century world in need.

A 21st Century World

The Pine Needle Man™, art, music, and literature projects are designed specifically for the condition of our our  21st century world. Now, you can collect bits and pieces of a development history over four decades in the making as elements behind each of our emerging projects. From original handwritten song sketches to early reel-to-reel or cassette recordings of demos. Join in the living process of creativity and own a piece of history from the workshop of The Pine Needle Man™ at its earliest stages.

These one-of-a-kind offerings represent the progression of The Pine Needle Man™ story and the development of a one-of-a-kind, values based program. Now you can own recording studio outtakes, unpublished artworks, artist sketches and a wide variety of original content never seen outside the studios of the artist.

Each item is part of a “support the vision” program for funding the values based aspects of program development.


  • coming soon

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